Dr. Luiz Moura's patient was cured from rheumatic fever with auto-hemotherapy

Ronaldo Brandao
I was born in the city of Petropolis
state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
I have lived for many years in Rio de Janeiro,
And I was 8 to 9 years old, I had an acute polyarticular rheumatism,
which today is known as rheumatic fever.
My doctor at that time, and for a long time
was Dr Luiz Moura.
I met him when he was a surgeon at the former IAPTEC
which today belongs to the INSS (National Health Service).
Well, returning to the acute polyarticular rheumatism,
I was treated with Quetacil, a drug from the Andromaco laboratory,
and with Benzetacil from the Fontoura White laboratory
until I was 12.
Then the symptoms of the disease didn't subside anymore,
and from the age of 12,
I started to have Auto-hemotherapy
until I was 15.
Now I am 63 and I no longer have any symptoms.