Autohemotherapy in the treatment of gastritis and other diseases.
Ms. Diva Gomes reports the benefits she gained after she started taking autohemotherapy. As she notes, the improvement she had in her health was so expressive that after that she also started to support and defend the therapy.
By becoming an active disseminator of the technique, participating in forums, discussion groups on the subject, writing to authorities, collecting and publishing many testimonies of people who have also benefited from the AHT, among other actions for health.
And in order to prove the effectiveness of AHT, and its beneficial effects, she has met our request, and has sent us her testimony and exams to assist in the dissemination of autohemotherapy.
Auto-hemotherapy has improved my gastritis because it has eliminated the H. pylori (please see proof below), and I am also improving from the following diseases:
- constipation and abdominal swelling,
- sinusitis,
- hepatic steatosis
- throat problems,
- osteoarthritis,
- poor blood circulation
This medicine came from GOD's laboratory. Thanks to HIM and Dr. Luiz Moura, I am happy and living better.
Diva Gomes
- My tests are dated October 2009. Today, February 2010, I feel I am healed from the gastritis and I can say that have already improved about 90% from my hepatic steatosis and osteoarthritis conditions. I don't have constipation, poor blood and urine circulation nor throat problems anymore. (Diva Gomes)
- The sizes of the tests below have been reduced, but the original content has been kept.
- The testimony with the reports was sent to my e-mail by Dona Diva Gomes.
* English Translation: Luiz Grasso
Original text:
Confirmatory reports, before and after auto-hemotherapy