Sunday, August 13, 2017

A dog cured with Auto-hemotherapy and vibrational essences. MULT LANGUAGES CC

Auto-hemotherapy in veterinary (vibrational medicine)


The Vibrational essences are a group of substances obtained from essential floral, whose action exclusively Biophysics Act on mind-body harmonization, aims at the treatment of acute and chronic diseases, which cause the loss of vital energy and loss of Homeostasis. The report of clinical case of canine atopic Treaty with the essences has proved to be an effective method of unconventional therapy.

Key-word: Quantum medicine. Vibrational essences. Atopy. Dog.

The quantum leap of veterinary medicine. 

Daniela Franco Lopes. 
Veterinary Medical postgraduate degree in Homeopathy.  
Masters in Biomedical Engineering with emphasis in Homeopathy in Cancer. 
Responsible for then quantum treatement of the Veterinary Hospital Estima 
Scientific Consultant Injectcenter. 
Consultant Technical and scientific Zooquantic. 

Published in the Quantum Health Magazine. Volume 1. Number 1. January, December, 2012. 

Patient: Species Canis familiaris, 4 months, Cocker Spaniel, female. 
(The patient has Demodectic Mange since the first vaccination, his mother was a carrier of Sarna, had hip dysplasia, short stature, poor development. Worsening occurred after being vaccinated, where symptoms of alopecia, pruritus, formation of ulcers and eczema. A diet low in protein was used. All brother succumbed to the Immune disease). 
The autohemotherapy was used weekly for 3 months, then every two weeks for 3 months 

The autohemotherapy was one among other resources used in therapeutic treatment. 

See the full article of this Study, in the PDF file: 

READ PDF (in Portuguese)*gC0qSqwZ66Oq-6j*mJXVu2IPoZBdlZ-EzUGT6Xqz2/1153521PB.pdf

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A dog cured with Auto-hemotherapy and vibrational essences. MULT LANGUAGES CC

Thursday, August 3, 2017




Bom dia grupo eu faço a mais de 3 anos..tenho uma doenca rara epidermolise bolhosa onde minha pele é igual a um papel....lesoes por todo o corpo. Depois q comecei a hemo as lesões diminuiram muito, mas o resultado e lento. O que a hemo faz e aumentar a imunidade do nosso corpo..é preciso ter paciencia e nao podia ter filhos porque se nao iria nascer com essa doenca tb...fiz durante toda gestação, que foi tranquila e meu bb . nasceu perfeito sem a doença. Quando faco certinho toda semana nem gripada eu fico pq a imunidade ta alta. As vezes fica roxo mesmo doi o lugar. ..ja vi muita gente aqui reclamando disso mas e assim e mesmo
as vezes pega um vasinho e fica assim mas n e sempre. Continuem gente ao longo do tratamento os resultados vao aparecendo.Saude p todos nós.

Adapated via Google Translater

Luzimar Almeida published in the Group Auto-hemotherapy - My blood heals me, (Auto-hemoterapia - Meu sangue me cura).

Luzimar Almeida.

November 16, 2016.

Good morning group. I've been doing it for over 3 years. I have a rare disease, epidermolysis bullosa, where my skin is the same as a paper. Injuries throughout the body. After I started to heme, (auto-hemotherapy), the lesions decreased a lot, but the result is slow. What heme does is increase the immunity of our body. It takes patience and persistence. I could not have children, because otherwise he would be born with this disease as well. I did it all through the gestation, which was quiet. And my baby was born perfect without the disease. When I do it right, every week, I do not have the cold, because the immunity is high. Sometimes it gets purple and sore at the application site. I've seen a lot of people here complaining about it, but that's just the way it is. Sometimes it takes a vase and it stays that way, but it is not always. People continue, throughout the treatment the results are appearing. Health for all of us.


Posso publicar seu testemunho no blog? Estou juntando varios testemunhos documentados nele. Veja

Luzimar Almeida aceitou sua solicitação.
Luzimar Almeida
Olá boa noite...autorizo sim..


Epidermolysis bullosa

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a group of inherited connective tissue diseases that cause blisters in the skin and mucosal membranes, with an incidence of 20 per million newborns in the United States.[1] It is a result of a defect in anchoring between the epidermis and dermis, resulting in friction and skin fragility. Its severity ranges from mild to lethal.
The condition was brought to public attention in 2004 in the UK through the Channel 4 documentary The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off, chronicling the life and death of Jonny Kennedy, an Englishman with EB.[2] In the United States, the same could be said of the HBO documentary My Flesh and Blood from 2003.[citation needed]
"Butterfly Children" is a term often used to describe younger patients (because the skin is said to be as fragile as a butterfly’s wings),[3] "Cotton Wool Babies",[4][5] or (in South America) as "Crystal Skin Children".[6]



Epidermolysis Bullosa can be

Treated with autohemotherapy

The case of the child Theo, son of Clara Colker and grandson of the choreographer Deborah Colker, who has Epidermolysis Bullosa could be treated with auto-hemotherapy. This can be proven in consultation with Dr. Luiz Moura, defender of this technique used for more than 100 years, with prominence in dermatology. It is a technique that has been illegally and arbitrarily prohibited by CFM - Federal Council of Medicine and Anvisa - National Sanitary Surveillance Agency since 2007, through an incomplete and biased opinion and Technical Note without such power.
The beneficial effect of auto-hemotherapy has already been reported in more than 100 diseases, but the Government and organs of medicine and pharmacy have no interest in promoting research in the area, since such proof in the form they require would hinder production and sale Of medicines. We are aware of the case of a patient of Dr. Moura with epidermolysis bullosa who presented improvements with the use of auto-hemotherapy.
As it is known, Auto-hemotherapy is a technique that combats and cures diseases with the withdrawal of blood from the vein and immediate application in the muscle. This therapy has been saving lives for over a hundred years. The technique has been disseminated by Dr. Luiz Moura, from Rio de Janeiro. Another great advocate, user and scholar of auto-hemotherapy is the nurse gaucha Ida Zaslavski, who made contact with the family suggesting its use in the child, since medicine offers no better alternative.
The nurse asks a great doubt: since it is a child, people imagine painful things with auto-hemotherapy. But she explains that it is not painful, and having a good emotional preparation helps a lot. He clarifies that the amount for children like Theo is small and that the application is like drawing blood for examination while the injection is like a vaccine. He also says that applications do not cause reactions or side effects. Ida Zaslavsky as a nurse is a therapist and for 20 years she has dedicated herself to autohemotherapy as an immune stimulus.
She knew the technique with Dr. Luiz Moura and takes it so seriously that the results of her work have been transformed into a book to spread and enlighten everyone on the subject. Ida remembers that the AHT has many positive results in the dermatological area. The use of auto-hemotherapy in dermatoses comes from so far that already in 1924 was presented in Porto, Portugal, a doctoral thesis on the subject. (Original thesis by Dr. Alberto Carlos David -
At least in general it is known that Dr. Luiz Moura recommends auto-hemotherapy in these cases, because it is an autoimmune disease. In the video-testimony by Ana Martinez and Luiz Fernando Sarmento, better known as Dr. Luiz Moura's DVD, she states that "In every disease that has an autoimmune origin - that is, it originates from a perversion of the Immune System, which attacks The body itself as if it were a foreign body - the use of auto-hemotherapy is valid. " (Transcript DVD text -

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


This case was published on Instagram by the veterinarian Dr. Fábbio Igor Rezende.


For those who still doubt the efficacy of the auto-hemotherapy in animals, Popi is one more proof of an efficient treatment without any organic aggression, since it has a genetic origin called Primary Pyoderma, and the treatment consists basically of controlling the bacterial population in the skin, and this is usually done with the use of antibiotics. Autohemotherapy consists of the application of blood of the animal in the body itself, elevating the immune system and naturally fighting various diseases. It is too good to have these results, especially in older animals that naturally already have a physiological fragility.


Hello Luiz
Good to know about your dedication to authemoterapia
Feel free to disclose my cases
I hope so, to be able to help even more
Big hug

Defenders of autohemotherapy are grateful to Dr. Fábbio for authorizing the disclosure of his case reports about AHT.

Dr. Fábbio Igor Rezende:

Veterinarian Doctor,
Postgraduate in Dermatology since 2012,

Post-graduating Veterinary Endocrinology


Dr. Fabbio talking about Autohemotherapy (IN PORTUGUESE)

video of 1 minute

Video on YouTube

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Autohemotherapy in Veterinary Medicine


The case was published by the MD Veterinarian Manuel Alejandro Parra Zavalet.

A good result, I show you a filly with traumatic myositis in the scapular region, which could have turned into a naked horse. But taking care in time, I got the recovery in six days. The resources used for the treatment were: infiltration, medication and auto-hemotherapy.

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